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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day (or so) 2008 >> March 2008 > pbase Sunrise on March 7 2008 DSC_3947.jpg
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pbase Sunrise on March 7 2008 DSC_3947.jpg

Day # 5 on call..

Thus, sunrise.. (how many times have I taken a variation of this scene? maybe one too many..)

Nikon D300
1/250s f/8.0 at 38.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Linda Alstead11-Mar-2008 14:49
lovely shot
Pic Chick09-Mar-2008 19:56
I have a similar location that I constantly shoot sunrises too, but they are all different and all beautiful. Don't stop.... this is really nice - love the steeple in the distance.
Johnny JAG08-Mar-2008 20:33
Wonderful silhouettes, you can't get too many sunrises!
Karen Stuebing08-Mar-2008 14:17
But they're all different. This one is outstanding with the shallow dof that emphasizes the tree silhouette. V.
Bryan Murahashi08-Mar-2008 05:26
Beautiful colors and composition. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Mar-2008 02:36
Beautiful image, Vote.
Katie Chew08-Mar-2008 01:00
Beautiful just the same! V