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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2008 > Anticipatory Grief January 10 DSC_2859.jpg
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Anticipatory Grief January 10 DSC_2859.jpg

In April, my academic office is moving from a Greco-Italian mansion on the East Side of Providence to a corporate environment of down town providence. Yes, I know this is the right move but I actually have really liked my current office on the third floor (in the servant's quarters!) ..

So I have decided over the next few months to take some pictures of the details of the building that I like.

First and foremost, the beautiful stained glass of the entrance to the building.. What craftsmanship.. !

Here is the exterior of the 4 floor building. The 4 floor is the up stairs room that is can't be occupied based on fire codes, but has the best view!

Nikon D300
1/100s f/5.0 at 55.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography01-Feb-2008 20:25
beautiful work
Gail Davison22-Jan-2008 22:41
Beautiful stained glass.
Ray :)21-Jan-2008 02:42
That's a lovely building Joan - is it staying in situ?
Nicki Thurgar20-Jan-2008 20:52
What a shame... but great to be able to make a record of these wonderful details!
JW20-Jan-2008 17:38
I hate it when that happens! Stained glass is amazing! Super image, Joan!
Guest 18-Jan-2008 14:23
feel the same way about George St.
optimist12-Jan-2008 05:48
That is a bummer. It looks like you had it made! I love old mansions.
royalld11-Jan-2008 14:00
After seeing these images, the words 'corporate environment' makes me feel a little sad.
Máire Uí Mhaicín11-Jan-2008 11:00
Lovely! Looking forward to a fine series of photos from this...
Sheila11-Jan-2008 07:40
Beautiful. I love stained glass.
Good idea to record what you like about the place.
Bryan Ramsay11-Jan-2008 01:32
Very nicely photographed the color and detail really stand out! -BJ