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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> Up Close and personal > Pbase December 11 2007 DSC_0372.jpg
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Pbase December 11 2007 DSC_0372.jpg

Nikon D300
1/200s f/3.2 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Katie Chew12-Dec-2007 16:16
Beautiful shot.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Dec-2007 13:56
Beautiful and very well done, Vote.
Pic Chick12-Dec-2007 03:48
Isn't frost grand?!?! Great shot Joan!
Coleen Perilloux Landry12-Dec-2007 02:17
Lovely shot. Poor thing.
Bryan Ramsay12-Dec-2007 02:10
Boy what a difgerence a cold front makes! You get these great subjects and all we get is a cold drizzle. Very nicely shot Joan! -BJ
Sam Stevenson12-Dec-2007 01:26
Perfect winter macro shot!
Sheila12-Dec-2007 00:25
Brrrr, gorgeous and perfect dof!!