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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> July 2007 > Pbase No croc - long day of waiting July 20 R1011142.jpg
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Pbase No croc - long day of waiting July 20 R1011142.jpg

No croc, it has been long day of waiting to see how Cindy did with surgery...

We did a little retail therapy while waiting..

Cindy at her half way party for her cancer treatment -

Updated at 3:05 pm, Surgery done - all went well. Now prayers for negative nodes!

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/40s f/2.9 at 7.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Gayle P. Clement21-Jul-2007 06:40
Sending my very best to Cindy. I hope that all goes well.
Jackdad21-Jul-2007 04:39
my sincere wishes for a straightforward and swift recovery.
Guest 21-Jul-2007 00:59
Add my well wishes to the list! V
Linda Alstead20-Jul-2007 19:38
Joan - thinking of Cindy and wishing her all the luck in the world.....
Johnny JAG20-Jul-2007 19:09
Good luck Cindy, nice crocs.