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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week for 2006-2015 and now 2021 > pbase 2 The Un 29 day June 27 2007 DSC_0352.jpg
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pbase 2 The Un 29 day June 27 2007 DSC_0352.jpg

Yep, time for the Un29 day. This will be my third one on Pbase. Very and I mean Very, fortunate to be in Rome with my neices, joan and Fran, and their parents (my sister Carol and br in law Jack). Wonderful hotel with the preverbial -- room with a view..

Carol, Jack, Joan and Fran - you are the best.

Joan H, thanks for sharing my vacation!

To the wonderful photographers on Pbase - Thanks for commenting and your inspiring work..

Now, time to explore Rome and the upcoming 5th decade of life ..

Nikon D80
1/125s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay04-Jul-2007 11:47
Sounds to me.. like Joan just turned 50 ;0) If not it does happen to the best of us. ;o} -BJ Great shot, and enjoy the trip! -BJ
Katie Chew24-Jun-2007 15:20
Wonderful composition! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography24-Jun-2007 12:40
Good capture.
Guest 24-Jun-2007 10:54
I seem to recall you telling me about your room with a view - sounds perfect! Enjoy the rest of the trip, and we're all watching your posts to enjoy it vicariously.
Karen Stuebing24-Jun-2007 10:31
One of the best stairs photos I've ever seen. Love the abstract quality and the tone. V.
Joanne Kamo24-Jun-2007 10:28
Fabulous composition and design. V
Guest 24-Jun-2007 09:53
excellent image, use of light,love your hotel below I think and the rest I don't understand all.
JW24-Jun-2007 06:49
Is this JT code for it's your birthday?! If so, many happy returns - if not, then I'm just so envious of you being in Rome, a place worthy of repeat visits!

Super picture - strong composition and soft tones.