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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> objects > pbase April 20 2007 Happy B day Carol and Jack 2.jpg
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pbase April 20 2007 Happy B day Carol and Jack 2.jpg

Happy Birthday Carol and Jack!

You are the best!

I can't wait to spend time with you in Rome..

Wish, I was there to toast your joint birthday.

Sorry to resort to a virtual Card, but Dinner is on me in Rome.

Love you

Joan, your sister and sister-in-law

Nikon D80
1s f/9.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp06-May-2007 02:02
Beautifully done.
Mindy McNaugher29-Apr-2007 02:35
Stunning shot!! Vote!
Herb 21-Apr-2007 02:48
Nice image
Linda Alstead20-Apr-2007 16:37
very pretty shot
Katie Chew20-Apr-2007 14:37
Beautiful colors!
Gayle P. Clement20-Apr-2007 13:35
Beautiful blue and really lovely card, Joan. That trip sounds like fun.
Guest 20-Apr-2007 13:09
The best kind og birthday card! Beautiful.
Guest 20-Apr-2007 11:58
beautiful colors and love the compo, well done.
Guest 20-Apr-2007 11:57
Very beautiful photo - and best wishes to your family!
Guest 20-Apr-2007 11:45
Wonderful! V
Guest 20-Apr-2007 11:30
Beautifully done!