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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> objects > Pbase Amsterdam 1 June 20 2006.jpg
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Pbase Amsterdam 1 June 20 2006.jpg

First late afternoon walk in Amsterdam..
More to come.

June 20 2006

Nikon D70
1/200s f/7.1 at 31.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 30-Jun-2006 23:49
Such a perfect Amsterdam shot.
ewa toll30-Jun-2006 12:47
Sheila26-Jun-2006 06:48
Great capture!! The reds are super.
JW25-Jun-2006 17:11
Isn't summer wonderful? Lovely capture
Guest 22-Jun-2006 18:33
what a perfect match!
Pic Chick21-Jun-2006 15:17
This is just wonderful! I love the reds - good eye Joan! I'm glad you're enjoying your holiday!
Bryan Murahashi21-Jun-2006 15:03
Excellent colors here. Looks like a great trip.
Karen Stuebing21-Jun-2006 10:37
Great eye! Love those bright reds and greens. Vote!!
Steven Jusczyk21-Jun-2006 07:23
Wow, a perfect match!
Mindy McNaugher21-Jun-2006 05:30
Fabulous colors and comp! Beautiful shot! Vote! Have a great trip!!!
Jackdad20-Jun-2006 22:06
nice bright colour - you're not suffering from jet lag then! :-)
Bob B.20-Jun-2006 18:38
Wonderful composition. Also like the RED!
Graham Tomlin20-Jun-2006 18:29
very nice regards helen
Heidi Jonker20-Jun-2006 17:56
Nice composition of red!
Zak20-Jun-2006 17:53
I like the use of all the red!