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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> objects > Dry dock 2 March 5 2005 p.jpg
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Dry dock 2 March 5 2005 p.jpg

Sea Heuss at dry dock on March 5 2005

Panasonic DMC-LC1
1/125s f/3.4 at 10.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 03-Jun-2006 00:22
Wonderful work :-) stunning comp and so well seen V
Sheila03-Apr-2006 01:02
This is my favourite of the three.
Molly Brewer 18-Sep-2005 12:07
Modern art. Molly
Manfred Bachmann16-Jul-2005 13:09
Great seen!! Wonderful colorful image!
Guest 25-May-2005 18:47
Stunning colors, excellent detail...I love this.
Guest 24-Apr-2005 05:31
beverley harrison22-Apr-2005 07:47
love this one, its got it all texture, colour and fantastic light, loving it!
Gilles Navet17-Mar-2005 13:21
Great textures and colors here
Well done
Jude Marion05-Mar-2005 17:27
Wonderful comp and colours!
Antonis Sarantos05-Mar-2005 13:51
Excellent use of colours, very nice composition!
René Gysi05-Mar-2005 13:16
Beautiful composition with nice colours.
northstar3705-Mar-2005 13:02
a beauty!