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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > C and F 2003.jpg
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C and F 2003.jpg

FujiFilm FinePix S1 Pro
1/54s f/3.4 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Simon Chandler28-Feb-2007 07:33
Wonderful capture.
...duncan18-Feb-2006 02:46
So sweet.
Guest 23-Oct-2005 13:35
this is lovely- no wonder why it made it to your top ten! : )
Donald Verger13-Sep-2005 01:25
vote! :)
George Christakos30-Aug-2005 12:06
So lovely. Voted.
Laryl08-Aug-2005 08:53
I agree.. a wonderful moment perfect to enjoy forever.
Guest 13-Jul-2005 09:14
A lovely, warm capture of a moment to remember.
Guest 20-May-2005 16:22
excellent. more please.. 8)
Guest 19-Apr-2005 07:02
ricecake15-Apr-2005 01:03
This is a wonderful photo, captured at just the right moment.