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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > My sweet Girl Gabi .jpg
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My sweet Girl Gabi .jpg

So I have been trying out various IPAD photo editing software. This is B and W conversion with Adobe IPAD product.

Photogene - not bad, but can only export out a 4mg file, the controls sliders can be difficult to get the precise amount of correction you want. Can handle RAW files, only $5.99

Photoshop for IPAD - love the controls and the precision of adjustment, slow as can be. But it is FREE except for the $4.99 you pay for add on noise reduction. I like the interface more with ADOBE product.

The best cheap software - photo sync, allow you to transfer JPEG and Tiff files between computers, iphone, and IPAD via wifi. Fast and easy interface.

I am amazed on what they can produce for under $5.00.


other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Stuebing30-Mar-2011 09:55
Beautiful dog and portrait. I am amazed at what I have seen from the iPad apps. This is a super black and white.
Bryan Murahashi30-Mar-2011 03:52
Very nicely PP with the ipad.
Guest 28-Mar-2011 22:38
Sweat shot! _V_