Namibia by mzungu
28.06.2014 CAMP KIPWE by Petra und Michael Fliedner
WALVISBAY 02.09.2009 GALLERY by Petra und Michael Fliedner
African Hoopoe by Ian Fulton
OCT 2005 Episode II : Namibia, from orange river to Etosha by Kristof Geirnaert
Red-billed Spurfowl by Ian Fulton
Serra Cafema Camp by John Fletcher
Namibia 2023, the trip and the team by Marc Demoulin
Pale-winged Starling by Ian Fulton
Welwitschia Drive and Moon Landscape by Emanuele Squarci
Animaux d'Afrique / African wildlife by Gilles Demers
OCT 2005 Episode III : Namibia,from Skeleton coast over Etosha and back2Windhoekie by Kristof Geirnaert