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Trent Watts's Recent Galleries

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05-Mar-2025 23:06
Sarah Lightfoot Wagner, Glass Artist, Painter, Sculptor.
:: Sarah Lightfoot Wagner, Glass Artist, Painter, Sculptor. ::
26-Feb-2025 13:05
Dave Dunkley, Woodturner, Furniture Maker, Sculptor
:: Dave Dunkley, Woodturner, Furniture Maker, Sculptor ::
23-Dec-2024 02:52
Scenery and Abstracts
:: Scenery and Abstracts ::
13-Oct-2024 14:09
Insects and other interesting creations.
:: Insects and other interesting creations. ::
04-Jun-2024 21:48
:: Owls ::
08-Apr-2024 02:38
:: Wrens ::
08-Apr-2024 02:35
:: Kinglets ::
04-Apr-2024 15:04
Crows, Jays and Magpies
:: Crows, Jays and Magpies ::
28-Dec-2023 15:55
Trent Watts, Turner, Sculptor and Furniture Maker
:: Trent Watts, Turner, Sculptor and Furniture Maker ::
12-Dec-2023 17:24
Paul Schroeder, Woodturner.
:: Paul Schroeder, Woodturner. ::
10-Dec-2023 20:04
:: Animals ::
27-Nov-2023 00:34
:: Woodpeckers ::