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Ann Pettigrew's Recent Galleries

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07-Mar-2025 23:05
Tuscarora 2017
:: Tuscarora 2017 ::
07-Mar-2025 23:04
Florida 2017
:: Florida 2017 ::
07-Mar-2025 23:04
:: Mammals ::
07-Mar-2025 23:04
Eagles, Hawks & Falcons
:: Eagles, Hawks & Falcons ::
04-Mar-2025 23:04
Vultures & Condors
:: Vultures & Condors ::
04-Mar-2025 23:04
Reptiles and Amphibians
:: Reptiles and Amphibians ::
12-Feb-2025 21:26
:: Butterflies ::
11-Feb-2025 20:55
Tuscarora Wildlife & Landscape  2011
:: Tuscarora Wildlife & Landscape 2011 ::
04-Feb-2025 21:08
York County - 2025
:: York County - 2025 ::
04-Feb-2025 21:08
:: Woodpeckers ::
04-Feb-2025 14:39
Nuthatches and Creepers
:: Nuthatches and Creepers ::
04-Feb-2025 14:39
Tanagers and Cardinals
:: Tanagers and Cardinals ::