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Phil's Recent Galleries

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07-Mar-2025 20:03
Kapiti and Horowhenua
gallery: Kapiti and Horowhenua
04-Mar-2025 03:40
United States, Texas and California
gallery: United States, Texas and California
19-Feb-2025 02:43
The Birds of New Zealand (and a few from Europe)
gallery: The Birds of New Zealand (and a few from Europe)
18-Feb-2025 04:10
Macros, Tiny Flowers, Insects or Whatever
gallery: Macros, Tiny Flowers, Insects or Whatever
18-Feb-2025 04:08
PAD 2023 and 2024
gallery: PAD 2023 and 2024
17-Feb-2025 05:56
The Sheep of  New Zealand (and other farm animals)
gallery: The Sheep of New Zealand (and other farm animals)
15-Feb-2025 23:24
Black and White Buildings
gallery: Black and White Buildings
11-Jan-2025 10:34
Black and White Landscapes
gallery: Black and White Landscapes
08-Jan-2025 02:55
gallery: Sazava