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Jacques Jouvin | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Jacques Jouvin
Name Jacques Jouvin (joined 12-May-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username petitgris56
Location France, Bretagne, Morbihan
France, Bretagne, Morbihan
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View Galleries : Jacques Jouvin has 40 galleries and 1820 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 766562 times.

View Guestbook : 15 messages. Most recent on 08-Sep-2009.

Message from Jacques Jouvin
Merci de regarder mes photos et de bien vouloir me retourner toutes vos critiques.
Si vous avez un intérêt pour mes photos, contactez moi.

Thanks for looking at my photographs. Please comment and leave any suggestions you can think of.
If you're interested by my pictures, please leave me a message, I'll contact you.
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