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Nestor Derkach | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Nestor Derkach
Name Nestor Derkach (joined 03-Jan-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username nestor70
Personal URL
Location Delaware
View Galleries : Nestor Derkach has 40 galleries and 2565 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2568371 times.

View Guestbook : 91 messages. Most recent on 09-Feb-2025.

Message from Nestor Derkach
Live in Delaware due to meeting my wife while serving in the USAF at Rehoboth Beach born in New York City Manhattan lived on the lower east side 9th Street near Thompson Square Park.
Hobbies photography a little bit of music especially the 50s and early 60s nice listening to and dancing to and some painting from time to time.
Love photographing birds butterflies and landscapes.
And finally love this PBase photography sight have learned a lot from other photographers over the years and made many friends from many countries.

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