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Ruth Moorhead's Recent Galleries

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09-Mar-2025 18:41
Ranch of the Rockies
Ranch of the Rockies
09-Mar-2025 18:41
San Isabel National Forest
San Isabel National Forest
28-Dec-2024 23:20
28-Dec-2024 23:20
It's All in the Light
It's All in the Light
28-Dec-2024 23:20
Roots and Trunks
Roots and Trunks
28-Dec-2024 23:20
  I Love Lines!
I Love Lines!
14-Dec-2024 04:44
Manitou Cliff Dwellings Museum
Manitou Cliff Dwellings Museum
14-Dec-2024 04:44
Rocks and Wood -- Preferably (but not necessarily) Together
Rocks and Wood -- Preferably (but not necessarily) Together
14-Dec-2024 04:44
Not of Nature
Not of Nature
07-Dec-2024 03:15
Trout Creek Meadows
Trout Creek Meadows
07-Dec-2024 03:15
Feathers, Fur, or Scales?
Feathers, Fur, or Scales?
05-Dec-2024 05:52
San Rafael Reef, and More
San Rafael Reef, and More