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Profile for maryann
Name maryann (joined 24-Apr-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username maryannphotography
Location Jim Thorpe, PA
Jim Thorpe, PA
View Galleries : maryann has 389 galleries and 25170 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2145062 times.

View Guestbook : 5 messages. Most recent on 10-Jun-2015.

Message from maryann
I have finally called an end to my youth sports and portrait work. Words cannot express how much I have enjoyed documenting the sports abilities of my hometown youth- it was a pleasure watching you grow up and I will greatly miss attending your games. I have saved all the years best shots, so you can still order collages, etc.
For my art prints there are no shows on the schedule for 2023. However, as always, you can still order your favorite works via email or phone. Continuing to concentrate on building new works, especially watercolors.
Just email me at for info.

Many thanks to my customers and all who showed interest and encouragement in my work. These are years for experimentation and learning. We never stop learning.

I appreciate visitors to my online galleries- please leave a comment...

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