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Pbase Got bone Got Camera DSC_0002.jpg

Picture of the week --

Home to a call from my local camera store.

Java got bones

I updated the DSLR..

Happy weekend .. Home! (but a little shocking to go from low 60 to 32 degrees F)

Nikon D300
1/20s f/2.2 at 50.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time01-Dec-2007 12:37:54
ModelNIKON D300
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length50 mm
Exposure Time1/20 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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kimene S12-Dec-2007 05:12
Absolutely beautiful capture of a beautiful friend! V V V V!
Karen Leaf07-Dec-2007 15:33
whooot I missed that you've gotten the D300--cool!! Heard nothing but great things about it. Good job--I believe there is a cold, wintery beach calling to us :)
Jackdad05-Dec-2007 19:26
lovely shot.
Somehow I think your treat will last longer than Java's. ;-)
Guest 04-Dec-2007 17:49
What a great way to "test" your new D300! Congratulations.
Pic Chick01-Dec-2007 23:16
Woo hoo! Momma got a new toy and so did Java!

Have fun :)

I bet Java's sure happy you're home...beautiful shot.
ewa toll01-Dec-2007 20:39
he's so cute !
Máire Uí Mhaicín01-Dec-2007 20:18
Lovely image Joan! And congrats on the new camera. Looking forward to lots more from it.
Guest 01-Dec-2007 19:16
soooo cute.
Johnny JAG01-Dec-2007 18:29
Nice one.