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pbase Sunrise for october 18 2007.jpg

"Ain't no sunshine" - all fogged in! So here is my favorite sunrise for 2007 - to submit to the Transglobal, intergalactic Thursday challenge - Hope your sunrise was better! Over the past three years, these are my favorite sunrises from the end of the stree that I live on..

Nikon D80
1/2000s f/9.0 at 300.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Feb-2007 07:54:07
ModelNIKON D80
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length300 mm
Exposure Time1/2000 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-1.00
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay20-Oct-2007 00:42
Very nice collection Joan!! -BJ
Guest 20-Oct-2007 00:41
Fantasmagorical!!!! v!
Máire Uí Mhaicín19-Oct-2007 22:21
Great collection of sunsets!
Bill Warren19-Oct-2007 13:52
Lovely colors and the ducks complete it.
Dave Wixx19-Oct-2007 13:18
Beautiful glow behind the silhouette.
Guest 19-Oct-2007 09:44
Thought I walked into a fairytale...stunning. v
Guest 19-Oct-2007 07:40
wow! what a stunning shot! the colours and amazing and the silouhet super...the way the red light gets through the window and arch too.. lovely! thanks fro commentin on my shot. itäs quite a compliment from someone who takes such beautiful sunrise/sunsets!
j>a>e>17 :):):)19-Oct-2007 02:49
organhe wonder :):):) & wonder what your fog looks like? :):):)
Faye White19-Oct-2007 00:59
all stunning! - lucky you to have such a wonderful view!
carolynne_w19-Oct-2007 00:36
Lovely group of sunsets, thanks for sharing them!
Bill Ewart Jr19-Oct-2007 00:28
Yeah we were fogged in too, but I posted the shot anyway. These are
all wonderful, high marks for the boat reflections and just love the
church silhouette!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephen Ware18-Oct-2007 21:48
Fantastic collection!
Jackdad18-Oct-2007 21:25
kind of ironic isn't it that the person who consistently posts the most beautiful sunrises/sets should have fog on the day there's a sunrise challenge on pbase!
love that silhouette with the birds.
Enrico Martinuzzi18-Oct-2007 21:18
Very good entry
Guest 18-Oct-2007 20:18
You should add this one to your favs, it's beautiful...v
Phillip Normanton18-Oct-2007 18:41
Excellent, the birds really finish it off :)
royalld18-Oct-2007 18:41
Awesome color and light.
ewa toll18-Oct-2007 18:20
wonderful pictures
Zak18-Oct-2007 18:02
Great shots!
JW18-Oct-2007 17:55
Well this is a wonderful substitute! Well done, Joan!
Laryl18-Oct-2007 17:17
wonderful images! I was unable to be up at sunrise.. love seeing these!
Ilana gil18-Oct-2007 16:53
Great colors of October's sunrise!
Coleen Perilloux Landry18-Oct-2007 16:00
Exquisite, Joan. All of your photos on this page are beautiful.
Katie Chew18-Oct-2007 15:15
Excellent!!! V
Greg Lavaty18-Oct-2007 14:56
Excellent!! Vote
Bryan Murahashi18-Oct-2007 14:54
Beautiful colors and silhouttes. V
Guest 18-Oct-2007 14:33
Spectacular! V
Guest 18-Oct-2007 14:04
Nice & magical shot!
Guest 18-Oct-2007 14:01
Maaike Huizer18-Oct-2007 13:59
Lovely entry
Guest 18-Oct-2007 12:59
Fantastic .....
laine8218-Oct-2007 12:46
oops, that's BEAUTIFUL :>)
laine8218-Oct-2007 12:45
They are beautil, Joan...all of sunshine here either :(
Yvonne18-Oct-2007 12:23
Wow, what a fabulous series, magnificent colour!
Barry S Moore18-Oct-2007 11:53
Fantastic selection
René Gysi18-Oct-2007 11:52
Beautiful mood and light.
Cindi Smith18-Oct-2007 11:09
Jola Dziubinska18-Oct-2007 11:06
Gorgeous one. The other ones are amazing as well.