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pbase Out of the fog July 31 2007 R1011197.jpg

Finally, I feel like we are walking out of the fog into beautiful day..

The first 5 months of 2007 was like being lost in the fog, full of one
tough journey after another.

Cindy, my RA, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

My beloved chocolate lab, mollie had to be euthanized.

One of my clinical jobs involved considerable problems. I quit.
Despite my best efforts, I failed. I don't like failure.

Finally, the fog is lifting ..

Cindy surgery was very successful with all lymph nodes being negative. S

o she is now officially a cancer survivor.

I am gaining perspective. Still don't like failure, but I moved on.

No dog can replace Mollie.

Next spring, Java is going to be an older brother.
I don't think that he knows what he is in for.

He really tortured Mollie as a puppy.

Payback is coming in form of puppy. Working names are Kona or Latte.

Starting in June and now really finalized today, I feel like that I have walked out of the fog into bright new year.

Yep, there will be foggy days in the future.

Perhaps in 2007.

But, I am just going to saivor good news, acceptance, and the anticipation of a new life in the Teno household.

Patience. Balance. Joy

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/60s f/4.4 at 15.3mm iso80 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time31-Jul-2007 06:14:00
ModelCaplio GX100
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length15.3 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent80
Exposure Bias-0.30
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine8206-Aug-2007 03:09
Best wishes for the rest of 2007. I think sometimes we need a few speedbumps to make us see life is not always smooth. The water here however looks like glasss...a very nice shot.
Johnny JAG03-Aug-2007 19:21
Great picture and inspiring words. I hope the rest of the year is better for you.
Pic Chick02-Aug-2007 01:13
Wow, that was so well said. What is it they say about experiencing the bad times so you appreciate the good times? Well, you've had your share. Now I hope it is all good for you :) Looking forward to meeting Java's new roommate next year! I do like both names, but I'm leaning toward wait, Java and wait...oh never mind...
Karen Stuebing01-Aug-2007 20:37
Outstanding capture. Love the bright colors against the gray. Hopefully, they portend your future. Sorry you've had such a string of bad luck but sounds like things are looking up. Btw, I think Java will RULE the new addition. :)
Bryan Ramsay01-Aug-2007 19:10
To start with this is a superb shot Joan! Next its good th hear thing sare starting to come together again for a great sunny year. The pup sounds like it could be an adventure! -BJ
Guest 01-Aug-2007 12:06
Good to hear your coming through the fog!
Wonderful image to state that feeling as well.
As for dogs names, Darby sounds really nice too :)
Take care Joan.
snootydog01-Aug-2007 02:41
As for the dog names.... my leaning would be for "liza"
snootydog01-Aug-2007 02:39
Well said. After the fog lifts it is usually a beautiful day and often one filled with rainbows. I hate failure too but without it we wouldn't have an appreciation of the good things. No one knows this better than you do. Just be glad you haven't as yet woken up to find Oscar curled beside you. Now THAT really would be a foggy day indeed
Ray :)31-Jul-2007 21:34
I really like this shot Joan - may also look good in monochrome.
I'm pleased to hear your very own fog is lifting. I really do like the name of Latte for your puppy!
Jackdad31-Jul-2007 20:18
Nice one Joan. BTW I am so glad to hear about Cindy.
Guest 31-Jul-2007 18:55
Bravo! Chase that fog as far away as possible! V
Douglas Stucky31-Jul-2007 14:52
Cool shot....
Bryan Murahashi31-Jul-2007 14:51
Very nice capture.
Glad you got some good news, despite the issues.
Coleen Perilloux Landry31-Jul-2007 14:49
You worked your way through the fog. Sometimes fog is thicker than we think.
Nice photo and better days are here.
Guest 31-Jul-2007 14:16
it's agorgeous image, and hope better times will arrive.
Katie Chew31-Jul-2007 13:37
Beautiful image. V
Rachel Pennington31-Jul-2007 13:22
Your photo is stunning and welcome to your new year. :) I hope that there are nothing but sunny skies in your future. You're on the right track: set your mind right first and the rest will follow. :) Take care!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography31-Jul-2007 13:22
Excellent shot, Vote.
All the best for you, T.
regi olbrechts31-Jul-2007 12:51
Good composition
and I whish you all the luck.