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pbase March 10 2007.jpg

Fifth week of taking the dogs to a beach in RI.

This week was Second Beach, Middletown RI

Canon PowerShot G7
1/60s f/5.6 at 14.8mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Mar-2007 08:16:34
ModelCanon PowerShot G7
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length14.8 mm
Exposure Time1/60 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias-1 1/3
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Program
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Yiannis Pavlis12-Apr-2007 13:18
Splendid shot and composition.
well taken. The light and colours are lovely
ewa toll11-Mar-2007 18:55
very nice
Sheila11-Mar-2007 02:58
This is gorgeous!
Guest 11-Mar-2007 01:59
I'm with Karen. Love the colors and textures. V
Karen Leaf11-Mar-2007 01:21
Simon Chandler11-Mar-2007 00:51
Beautiful work.
Mindy McNaugher11-Mar-2007 00:36
Gorgeous textures and comp! Excellent shot! Vote!
Katie Chew10-Mar-2007 19:58
Very nice shot
Gayle P. Clement10-Mar-2007 19:48
I love the textures. Terrific shot.
Guest 10-Mar-2007 19:17
I love these kinds of shots for some reason - rock, wood, steel, color, age ... holds my interest.
Guest 10-Mar-2007 19:13
love this one,love the texture,compo.