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pbase Moving on Feb 1st 2007.jpg

The title has nothing (and I mean nothing) at all to do with the picture.


This shot was taken at breakfast where I came to conclusion that Friday is about
moving on.

A friend start Chemo in the am -- she is moving on to a "survivor"

Personally, I need to move on from a failed project.

Gave it my best, but failed.

Friday is about moving on.

FujiFilm FinePix F30 Zoom
1/85s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso400 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time01-Feb-2007 08:21:54
ModelFinePix F30
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length8 mm
Exposure Time1/85 sec
ISO Equivalent400
Exposure Bias-0.67
White Balance
Metering Modeaverage (1)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Stuebing05-Feb-2007 11:27
Superb abstract and it does convey the message, IMO. Good luck to your friend and to you.
Linda Willets03-Feb-2007 23:12
In life.. we always need to move forward.. and learn from our past.. hope things are going better.
Guest 03-Feb-2007 00:06
Sounds like a lot going on - good luck!
Guest 03-Feb-2007 00:05
Very nice image, good luck with the changes!
JW02-Feb-2007 18:39
Sorry to hear about your project, but chances are something will come out of it.
Pic Chick02-Feb-2007 17:35
"Gave it my best" is all you can can't experience joy without sadness,success without failure. But I don't ever believe anyone 'fails' when they give it their just gives you more drive for next time. Chin up, big smile and big hug for your friend. You need each other right now, you've both had a tough year :)
Guest 02-Feb-2007 11:49
beautiful abstract, good luck and the best to your friend.
Katie Chew02-Feb-2007 03:29
Nice abstract.
Terri Steele02-Feb-2007 02:12
Excellent abstract. Good luck with your changes. ;)
Sheila02-Feb-2007 01:24
Good luck Joan. To your friend also.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 01:22
No failure here! Best of luck on the new direction. V