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Gerald F. Peltier | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Gerald F. Peltier
Name Gerald F. Peltier (joined 28-Aug-2009) (pbase supporter)
Username gerald_f_peltier
Location Canada
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View Galleries : Gerald F. Peltier has 20 galleries and 2267 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 800705 times.

View Guestbook : 29 messages. Most recent on 26-Aug-2014.

Message from Gerald F. Peltier
Hi everyone ! Thanks for visiting my site . These gallery photo's are all optimized for viewing only on the internet . To view the best quality of my
optimized images , scroll down below the image and view at original size to see the full resolution
image. My image's are all copyright protected and can only be viewed here , and not used in any other
way without my permission . Please contact me for purchase pricing of prints or greeting cards . I also show and sell my work at the annual Holiday Beach Conservation Area Hawk Festival , Ontario , Canada , 2 weekends in the later part of Sept. during the Hawk migration . This festival is a great experience for everyone . They have many activities for the children , food & soft drinks. The Hawk Tower is a great attraction for viewing these raptors migrating south & also learn how to I.D. all the different hawks and other migrating birds from the official counter & volunteers as they count , ID and record these birds as they pass by the tower. I will be set up below the Hawk Tower , along with other vendors , so please stop by to say hi , have a look at my matted prints & greeting cards that are for sale . I will have a story for you ,about how I captured some of these images . I will also have my photography gear on display for everyone to look at . Thanks for looking , please come back often , to view my recent updates.

Jerry Peltier
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